IVF Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Marketing and Advertising For Medical Practices in USA & Canada $999/mon
Fertility Clinic Advertising & Marketing Made Simple. Reproductive Medicine Marketing Requires Deep Understanding of Patient’s Stage of Decision Making. It Also Requires Best Medical Marketing Solution. GOLD Solution Has 20+ Apps to Help You Build Your Infertility Practice.
Patient Trust is the Foundation of Medical Marketing Success for Your Fertility & Reproductive Practice.
Patients who are looking for your services are typically in 3 distinct stages.
- Exploring and learning their options to have their own children – Started searching on web for different IVF and non-IVF options.
- Learning about specific medical approach & programs that make parenthood both attainable and affordable for them.
- Decision phase. At this stage they may start looking at costs, success rates, and proximity and location.
As a marketing strategist for your Fertility & Reproductive Practice, you want to address all these important stages. One of the biggest factors is Trust ( cost is secondary- of course it is important factor), meaning that if the patient feels Trust in you (you as a physician and your practice as a whole). They will take the next step to setup a time. Our data shows 3 practices are contacted for the initial appointment. You want to be in the first 3 found online.

Reproductive medicine is a specialized area of healthcare that many families turn to when they are having difficulty conceiving a child. The experts at these clinics help with the reproductive process. Often, this involves IVF or In Vitro Fertilization. This method fertilizes an egg with sperm outside of the body and in a laboratory dish. One or more embryos (fertilized eggs) are transferred to a woman’s uterus. If conditions are right, and doctors will help increase these chances with various treatments, the embryo will implant itself along the uterine lining and develop. While there are some risks with this procedure, serious complications are rare.
As reproductive medicine and IVF fertility treatments become more popular, there is an increased demand for doctors specializing in this area. With more clinics and practices opening, competition is becoming fiercer. Before, IVF Fertility and Reproductive Clinics might not have much in the way of competition outside of urban areas and major cities. Today, they are competing with many other businesses looking to capture market share in this area of healthcare. A clinic specializing in IVF Fertility and Reproductive Medicine needs to have a quality medical marketing plan to grow and be successful. The experts at PatientGain.com can help! Below are some areas that should be included in every medical marketing plan for these practices.
How can search engine optimization help an IVF Fertility and Reproductive Medicine clinic get more patients?
When someone has trouble conceiving a child, many will begin their medical journey by searching online for answers and solutions. Even if they ultimately go to a primary care physician with follow-up questions, they will do research first. Today’s patients are much more eager to educate themselves than in the past. With that in mind, a practice needs to appear in search results when people are doing their research. One of the best ways to achieve that goal is to engage in SEO or search engine optimization work to improve its organic results.
SEO is the process of helping a search engine better understand the context of the website and which keywords are important for a potential patient patient. To do this, target keywords that an IVF Fertility and Reproductive Clinic believes a patient will use to find their services needs to be spread throughout the content. These keywords should include technical, medical, and more common everyday terms. Mixing these will help add authority and relevance to a website and help connect it with potential patients unfamiliar with specific terminology. A clinic needs to be mindful not to plaster every paragraph with keywords and stuff as many as possible into the content. Search engines frown on this “keyword stuffing,” which could lead to some penalties in overall search results.
A clinic should also use short-tail and long-tail keywords when creating an SEO target keyword list. Both kinds of keywords work very well together, and the site will attract more patients if both types are used. Short-tail keywords cover broad subjects, have a low conversion rates, but drive high traffic to a site. These keywords are also three words or less. Long-tail keywords are four words or more, and while they do not drive as much traffic to a site, they have higher conversion rates. They also tend to cover narrower and more specific topics. Long-tail keywords are also becoming very important in voice search. When people use voice search with their smart speakers or digital personal assistants, they usually ask questions that are four words or more. If those questions can match keywords on a site, a practice stands to have a better chance of being in the organic results.
How can content marketing help an IVF Fertility and Reproductive clinic get more patients?
“Content is King” is truer today than ever before as search engines crave content. These websites are sending out web crawlers to search the internet and explore different websites to provide relevant results to people using their search engines. The goal of these search engines is to provide relevant, authoritative, helpful, and informative results. The content on any website will help search engines achieve that goal. Content marketing is the process of improving the content on a site to present itself as a better choice to search engines. Content marketing often works hand in hand with SEO work, and both will enhance each other.
The crux of content marketing is that a website should constantly update, refine, or add content to its site. The more up-to-date a website is, the more authoritative it will look to a search engine. The mistake some clinics make (in all areas of healthcare) is that updates, refinements, and additions need to be made all at once. Many are surprised to learn that this can cause a negative outcome. When a website updates all of its content at once, this can unclear to a search engine what is happening with the site. It may see a site as being brand new, and it could take a while before it figures out it is essentially the same site, causing organic rankings to drop. Also, if no further updates are made, a website will get older and older without any updates. A better approach is to make gradual and continual updates to websites over the year. Make a list of every content page on a website and reread it at least once a year to see if anything has changed or if any improvements need to be made. If a website does not require significant improvements or more content, consider adding a monthly blog. This will add unique content that search engines will love, and blogs can also be shared across social media channels.
How does developing a referral network benefit an IVF Fertility and Reproductive clinic?
As mentioned above, a good number of patients will do their research and go directly to a clinic for reproductive health issues. However, many potential patients will begin their journey with their primary care doctor, who is unlikely to be specially trained in this area of medicine. They are likely to refer their patients to an IVF Fertility and Reproductive Clinic with that in mind. Establishing a referral network with local primary care doctors can be a great way to generate revenue and increase patient counts.
First, a clinic needs to connect with a primary care doctor. Often, this needs to be a face-to-face meeting with the decision-makers at that primary care facility. A doctor at the IVF clinic needs to give a strong presentation about the advantages of sending patients to their clinic for treatment. Informational handouts regarding treatments, policies, success rates, and insurances accepted will make it easier for those representatives to make an informed decision. A personalized, face-to-face meeting with decision-makers, either at their facility or over a meal, will have a much better success rate than mass emailing all primary care doctors in an area. While progress will be slower, it will ultimately serve an IVF clinic better.
Once a business relationship has been established, an IVF Fertility and Reproductive clinic need to make it as easy as possible for primary care doctors to send patients over. Ideally, there should be a secure, HIPAA-compliant portal for other doctors to submit referrals. The medical records sent over should cut down on paperwork the patient must fill out when they arrive. It will be easier for staff to place that digital information into their patient management system rather than copy it from printouts. The easier it is for the team at another office to send information, the more likely they will send patients.
Another aspect of referral marketing that must be considered is that every referral patient sent over must be treated very carefully. There should be a point person at a clinic that organizes all referral patients to ensure they are contacted quickly and get the services they need. If a referral patient has a negative experience at an IVF Fertility and Reproductive Clinic, it could impact several things. They are unlikely to return for additional treatments and could leave a negative review. Worse yet, the doctor that initially referred them may think twice about sending another patient to an IVF clinic. Too many negative experiences could result in severing of the relationship altogether. With positive experiences, be sure to send the primary care doctor an update about their patient (with their consent, of course) and help them keep their medical records up to date.
How can a medical engagement chatbot assist an IVF Fertility and Reproductive Medicine clinic?
No matter how well-written a website is, potential patients will likely have some questions, need help finding information or assistance accomplishing a task. They will either call or message a clinic for this assistance when in doubt. Depending on the volume at a clinic, these requests can start to pile up, and potential patients will have to wait longer and longer to receive help. This wait can lead to them looking elsewhere for service, resulting in lost business. A proven way to help reduce the number of calls or messages for help is to use a medical engagement chatbot.
Many patients have the same or similar requests for help. Instead of tying up staff members to assist them, a medical chatbot can help them find the information they are looking for or help them accomplish simple tasks. Taking these requests away from staff members can help them get to more complicated problems quicker, improving the overall patient experience. A chatbot is simply a program with pre-written questions and answers that interacts with website visitors by mimicking human conversation. The front desk staff, who interact the most with patients, will be the best resource for a clinic to determine what questions and tasks need to be programmed into a medical engagement chatbot.
One of the most significant advantages of having a chatbot operating on a website is that a chatbot is always available. It can assist current and potential patients outside of business hours, on holidays, or when phone lines are busy. If there is a request or question it can not answer, then it will take that visitor’s contact information and place it in a HIPAA compliant dashboard for a staff member to follow up with later. Chatbots can also be easily updated to address new medical concerns. For example, many chatbots were updated with COVID-19 safety protocols in 2020 to keep their patients up to date.
Are there any traditional or offline marketing strategies that an IVF Fertility & Reproductive Medicine clinic can use to promote itself?
While not as popular as it once was among marketers, direct mail marketing has proven cost-effective to reach people. Unlike radio, newspaper, or TV advertising, this traditional marketing method has some targeting capabilities. While the others require you to broadcast or publish ads to everyone regardless of their target audience, direct mail marketing allows you to determine which households get the marketing materials. A clinic can target neighborhoods or work from information requests it collects from its website. Depending on the volume and organization of these direct mail campaigns, the United States Postal Service may even have some discounts and tools available for clinics.
Ideally, a clinic will want whoever receives the marketing mailer to keep it and pin it to their fridge or corkboard. While mail volume is much lower today than a decade ago, it still needs to stand out among the other things a household receives in the mail. A clinic should experiment with color, size, and even the texture of the printed paper until they find something that connects with their community.
Every mailing piece sent to someone needs to have the following on it for it to be successful:
- Name of the IVF Fertility and Reproductive clinic
- Address, including any suite or office numbers
- Website URL
- Phone number
- Call to action
Ideally, the mailer should send people to the website where potential patients can learn more and make an appointment. Do not make it hard for people to figure out where to get more information. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time getting reasonable conversion rates out of this campaign.
The experts at PatientGain.com are ready to assist you with your medical marketing plan for your IVF Fertility and Reproductive Medicine clinic. Contact us today, and let us show you what we have done for others across the country. We look forward to working with you!