Medical Marketing Automation Using Patient Reviews & ChatBots
Simple App Collects Reviews From The web and your website visitors using Intelli*Doctor ChatBot App. You Decide Which Ones To Display. Medical ChatBots Further Assist in Automation
As you build a roster of Positive Reviews on the most important sites, like Google, Facebook and Yelp, now take your strategy to the next level. Select the best reviews, add them to your awesome medical marketing website, and increase your conversion. If you add intelligent HIPAA compliant chatbot from PatientGain, you can further increase the conversion your medical website by 5% to 8%. Image a patient visiting your website, while you are busy with patients. Intelligent bot helps you not only service existing patients, but will also help you convert new potential patients into paying patients. Let s review a use case and scenario of a patient patient’s journey to become your patient. This is based on a real patient and real medical practice. Names are not real.
Example Work Flow and Use Case
1. Samantha, a potential patient, visits your website for an allergy condition, after finding your website on Google search (78 percent of the patients do this)
2. She is mobile and uses her cell phone to find your medical marketing website. (82 percent of patients visit medical websites using mobile devices)
3. She notices that there is chatbot available on the website. She reads about your services, then reads about the “provider” section then decides to send a SMS/Text to the practice.
4. Office manager, Bill, gets an alert that a patient is asking a specific question, using the Texting/SMS app integrated with the Medical Chatbot installed on the website.
5. Bill responds to specific question asked by Samantha.
6. Samantha receives the information about the insurance coverage, on her cell phone. This process was quick.
7. Samantha had contacted another provider but wanted to speak to someone at this second practice. Since they did not have any chatbot or texting, she called this practice. The phone call went to a voice mail. It will be picked by the staff at the end of the day or the next morning.
8. The next day, practice no 2, calls Samantha back. But she is in a meeting with her boss. She cannot answer the phone.
9. At the end of the next day, Samantha is driving back from work, and decides to listen to the messages. She hears the message that clinic no 2 has returned her call.
10. Samantha, at this point looks at her cell phone, and there is a link to the website of the clinic no 1. She simply clicks and requests an appointment with the clinic no 1.